The End Everyday Racism initiative is an independent research project developed by Dr Ella McPherson and Dr Mónica Moreno Figueroa based at the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge.
The project aims to develop our understanding of everyday racism with numeric, descriptive and geographic evidence, in order to build a collective case to support antiracism advocacy and social justice activism at the University and further afield (read more in Varsity).
This project has gone through a consultation process with various organisations and individuals both within and outside Cambridge, and is supported by UCU Cambridge Branch, Cambridge University Student Union and Graduate Union, FLY, The Black Cantabs Research Society, The 1752 Group and the Decolonising Sociology Committee.
Take Part
We are asking members of the University to participate by anonymously sharing their experiences of everyday racism. We want to know what, how and where racism happens, and how it impacts the lives of students and staff at the University.
As this is a research project and not a formal reporting procedure, no action will be taken on the basis of the information you share. If you are looking for disciplinary action, visit the University's Race Equality Website.
Research Ethics
This project adheres to the British Sociological Association's code of ethics, and we require your consent before you submit any personal data. You can read more about our research ethics, including how we guarantee your anonymity on this website.
Being subjected to racial abuse or harassment is distressing and you should ensure you can confide in someone you trust. In addition to using the incident report form for this project, there is also a range of support available to you inside and outside the University.