Since this project began in 2018, we have received hundreds of accounts of racist incidents, and know all too well the negative personal impacts that they have. Although this project does not act on individual cases, we want to emphasise that you are not alone, and that support exists for you here in Cambridge.

University Services

Racial & Religious Discrimination Adviser

The University Racial & Religious Discrimination Adviser (within the Harassment and Violence Support Service - HVSS) can provide the following:

Emotional Support:

  • A safe space to discuss your experience of racial harassment, discrimination, or violence.
  • Helping you to explore the impacts and supporting you to manage these.

Practical Support:

  • Providing you with impartial information around your reporting options. We can advise you on how to raise your case formally either through a college procedure, with the University, or with the police.
  • Support to manage any difficulties/issues that have arisen due to the incident/s.
  • Supporting you through the informal or formal reporting process.
  • Signposting and referring you to appropriate support services both within the University and externally.

Counselling Service

The University Counselling Service (UCS) provides free counselling for students and employees of the University, and you can specifically request to see a female, male and/or ethnic minority counsellor.

Advice Service

The Students' Unions' Advice Service offers free, confidential and independent support and advice to all Cambridge University students.​ The Advice Service teams includes a dedicated BME Student Advisor.

Mental Health Advisors

The Mental Health Advisors offer a range of interventions to students experiencing moderate to severe mental health difficulties. Student access to the Mental Health Advice Service is by staff-referral only.

Student Services

College BME Officers

Most Colleges have a dedicated BME Officer on the JCR and/or MCR committee. They may be a helpful contact in directing you towards any further support that you may need.

BME Campaign (Cambridge University Students' Union)

The Black and Minority Ethnic Campaign exists to voice the concerns, address the issues, cater to the needs of, and improve the educational and social environment for Ethnic Minority Students in Cambridge at both undergraduate and graduate level.

Black Advisory Hub

The Black Advisory Hub has been established to help build a diverse and inclusive community for all students and staff members at the University of Cambridge as part of the institutional action to improve Black students' outcomes at Cambridge.

External Services

Cambridge University and College Union (UCU)

Cambridge UCU offers advice and support to members of staff and is able to provide Union representatives at disciplinary hearings and similar meetings. Contact UCU on 01223 764944 or email

Cambridgeshire Constabulary

You might also choose to report a hate crime to the Police or to another hate-crime reporting charity.



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